Learn more about the Election Commission of India (ECI) for Kerala PSC exams by focusing on repeating questions from previous exams.
This post includes frequently asked PSC questions from the structure, key figures, functions, powers and limitations of Central and state election commission of India, ensuring you're well-prepared for this Indian Polity section.
Previous Year Repeated PSC Questions on Election Commission of India
- Central Election Commission is a – 3-member commission. (Confidential Assistant.Gr.II(Stenographer Gr.II)- Handicraft Dev. Corp, 2014)
- The Election Commission of India is a body consisting of – Three members including Chief Election Commissioner. (Sr. Superintendent/Asst. District Lottery Officer, 2016)
- Which one of the following statement is correct about Elections in India? (Junior Assistant, LD Clerk, Senior Superintendent, 2024)
- (A) The Election Commission of India is appointed by the Chief Justice of Supreme Court.
- (B) Articles 324 to 329 of Part XV of the Constitution lays out the legal-constitutional framework for holding elections in India.
- (C) Articles 352 to 360 of Part XVIII also deals with Election framework in India.
- (D) There are five full time Commissioners in Election Commission of India.
- The year in which the age of Adult Franchise reduced to 18 years – 1989. (DTP Operator Grade II, 2015)
- By which Amendment of the Constitution of India voting age is lowered from 21 to 18 years? 61 Amendment. (Part Time Tailoring Instructor, 2017)
- Which among the following Act reduced the Right to Franchise to 18 years from 21 years? (Sr. Superintendent/Asst. District Lottery Officer, 2016)
- (A) 61st Constitution (Amendment) Act, 1989
- (B) 62nd Constitution (Amendment) Act, 1989
- (C) 72nd Constitution (Amendment) Act, 1992
- (D) 71st Constitution (Amendment) Act, 1992
- Tarkunde Committe, Dinesh Goswami Committee and Indrajit Gupta Committee, all investigated the same issue in India. What is the common subject of inquiry examined by all these committees ? Electoral Reforms. (Supervisor ICDS, 2025)
- Consider the following statements with regard to the duties of Election Commission of India. (Supervisor ICDS, 2025)
- To prepare electoral rolls,
- To notify the dates and schedules of elections,
- To grant recognition to political parties,
- To advice the President on matters relating to the disqualifications of the members of Parliament.
- Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
- (A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 2, 3 and 4 (C) 1, 3 and 4 (D) All the above are correct
Chief Election Commissioner
- Chief Election Commissioner of India is – Gyanesh Kumar. *** (Lab Technical Assistant (Maintenance & Repairs of Radio & Television), 2014)
- The First Chief Election Commissioner of India – Sukumar Sen. (Deputy Collector (SR for SC/ST), 2019; Lecturer in Sculpture, 2017; Tradesman (Turning) 2014))
- The First Election Commissioner in Independent India was – Sukumar Sen. (Commercial Tax Officer (SR for SC/ST), 2015)
- The First Woman Chief Election Commissioner of India – V.S. Ramadevi. (Lab Technical Assistant (Travel & Tourism), 2015; Refrigeration Mechanic (UIP), 2016)
- Who is the only Indian woman to be appointed to the post of Chief Election Commissioner? V.S. Ramadevi. (Lab Technical Assistant (Dairying (Milk Products), 2015)
- Few names of the Chief Election Commissioners of India are given. Which among the following is in correct chronology? (Non Vocational Teacher in Physics (Sr), 2022)
- (i) Sukumar Sen, KVK Sundaram, SP Sen Verma
- (ii) Sukumar Sen, M.S. Gill, Nagendra Singh
- (iii) Sukumar Sen, M.S. Gill, SP Sen Verma
- (iv) Sp sen Varma, KVK Sundaram, T.N. Seshan
- (A) (i) only
- (B) (ii) and (iii)
- (C) (i) and (iv)
- (D) (i) and (iii)
- Choose the chronological order of Election Commissioners of India from the options given below: (Higher Secondary School Teacher Mathematics, 2022)
- (A) Sukumar Sen, Kalyan Sundaram, Nagendra Singh, S.P. Sen Verma
- (B) Sukumar Sen, Kalyan Sundaram, S.P. Sen Verma, Nagendra Singh
- (C) Sukumar Sen, Kalyan Sundaram, T.Swaminathan, Nagendra Singh
- (D) Sukumar Sen, Kalyan Sundaram,T.Swaminathan, S.P. Sen Verma
- Who among the following was the Chief Election Commissioner of India from December 1990 to 11 December 1996? (Medical Officer (Ayurveda), 2014)
- (A) TN Seshan (B) M.S. Gill (C) Smt. V.S. Ramadevi (D) J.M. Lyndogh
- Which of the following statement about the election commission of India is NOT true? (Non Vocational Teacher Physics (Sr) SR for ST Only, 2024)
- (A) The Election Commission of India is constitutionally empowered to conduct elections of President and Vice President
- (B) Since its inception in 1950 and till 15 October 1989, the election commission was a one member body with only the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) as its sole member
- (C) The chief election commissioner is appointed for a tenure of 6 years or until the age of 60, whichever is earlier
- (D) Sukumar Sen was the first chief election commissioner of India
- The Chief Election Commissioner can be removed from his office (Lecturer in Law, 2015)
- (A) By the President, after consultation with the Chief Justice of India on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity
- (B) By the Supreme Court of India on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity
- (C) By two-third majority of both the Houses of Parliament on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity
- (D) The Chief Election Commissioner cannot be removed from his office before expiry of his term of office
State Election Commission
- The Govt. may in consultation with ______ appoint an officer not below the rank of additional secretary to Govt. as secretary to the state Election Commission – State Election Commission. (General Knowledge Precis and Drafting (Paper II), 2019)
- Who designate the Assistant Electoral Registration officer in a Village Panchayat? State Election Commission. (Panchayat Act and Rules paper, 2014)
- Who is the appeal authority against an order of an Electoral Registration Officer regarding the process of preparing Electoral Roll? District Election Officer. (Act and Rules Special Services Rules and Standing Orders (Paper I), 2019)
- If the State Election Commission is satisfied that a person has failed to lodge an account of election expenses within the prescribed time and manner, _____ – Such a person shall be disqualified for a period of five years from the date of order. (Panchayat Act and Rules paper, 2014)
- What is the further action to be taken, if a candidate whose nomination is valid has died before publishing the list of candidates? Countermand the poll and report to the State Election Commission. (Panchayat Act and Rules paper, 2014)
- Match the following: (Junior Assistant, LD Clerk, Senior Superintendent, 2024)
- (1) XIth Schedule of Constitution (a) list of functions to be performed by municipalities
- (2) XIIth Schedule of Constitution (b) list of functions to be performed by PRI’s
- (3) Article 243 A (c) State Election Commission
- (4) Article 243 K (d) Gramasabha
- 1 2 3 4
- (A) c d b a
- (B) b d a c
- (C) a b c d
- (D) b a d c
- The first country that gave women right to vote in 1893 – New Zealand. (Tradesman (Turning) 2014)
- The election agent is appointed by the – Candidate. (Panchayat Act and Rules paper, 2014)
- Which one of the following statements is correct regarding voting in elections, for a person who is in lawful police custody? (Panchayat Act and Rules paper, 2014)
- (A) He shall not vote in any election
- (B) He shall vote in any election
- (C) He can vote with the permission of the State Election Commission
- (D) None of these
- Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct in relation to the Judgement of Electoral Bond Scheme Case? (Junior Assistant, LD Clerk, Senior Superintendent, 2024)
- On February 2024 Supreme Court struck down Electoral Bond Scheme as unconstitutional.
- The Electoral Bond Scheme violates the right to information and freedom of speech and expression under Article 19 (1) (a) of Indian Constitution.
- The court rules that the Amendment to the Companies Act which allows blanket corporate political funding is unconstitutional.
- (A) Only (1) (B) Only (1) and (2) (C) Only (2) (D) All of the above
The above questions about the Election Commission of India are taken from several Kerala PSC question papers. We will update this post when we review additional older and newer question papers.
*** Updated according to the current statistics
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