Top Programming Languages and their Developers

A programming language is a type of computer language used by programmers to communicate with computers. In other words, it is a set of instructions written in a specific language such as C, C++, Java, etc to perform a specific task.

These programming languages have a wide variety of applications. They are used to develop websites, game development, desktop applications, automation in automobiles, mobile applications, etc.

There are mainly two types of programming languages. They are
  1. Low-Level Programming Languages
  2. High-Level Programming Languages
Low-Level Programming Languages which are in the form of 1s and 0s are further divided into Machine Language and Assembly Language whereas High-Level Programming Languages are user-friendly languages such as Java, Python, C/C++/C#, etc which are easy to use, create and maintain.

The above section is a brief introduction to programming languages. In another post, we will learn more about programming languages and their applications in detail for Kerala PSC exams.

List of Programming Languages and their Developers

Here, we'll learn about some of the top programming languages, their developers, and the year in which they were developed or appeared.

Programming LanguageYearDeveloper
Assembly Language1949Kathleen Booth
Manchester Mark 11949Cicely Popplewell
Autocode1952Alick Glennie
FORTRAN1957John Backus
ALGOL1958Friedrich Bauer
COBOL1959Grace Murray Hopper
LISP1959John McCarthy
Simula1962Ole-Johan Dahl &
Kristen Nygaard
SNOBOL1962Ralph Griswold
BASIC1964John Kemeny,
Thomas Kurtz
B1969Ken Thompson
Pascal1970Niklaus Wirth
C 1972Dennis Ritchie
SQL1972Donald D. Chamberlin
Raymond F. Boyce
Prolog1972Alain Colmerauer
Smalltalk1972Alan Kay &
Dan Ingalls
Scheme1975Guy Lewis Steele &
Gerald Jay Sussman
Icon1977Ralph Griswold
AWK1977Brian Kernighan
Modula-21978Niklaus Wirth
C++1983Bjarne Stroustrup
Turbo Pascal1983Anders Hejlsberg
AMPL1985Brian Kernighan
Erlang1986Joe Armstrong,
Robert Virding &
Mike Williams
Perl1987Larry Wall
Mathematica1988Stephen Wolfram
Tcl1988John Ousterhout
Wolfram Language1988Stephen Wolfram
Haskell1990Philip Wadler
Python1991Guido van Rossum,
HTML1993Tim Berners-Lee
Lua1993Roberto Ierusalimschy
R1993Ross Ihaka &
Robert Gentleman
Java1995James Gosling
JavaScript1995Brendan Eich
Limbo1995Rob Pike
PHP1995Rasmus Lerdorf
Racket1995Matthias Felleisen
Ruby1995Yukihiro Matsumoto
OCaml1996Xavier Leroy
C#2000Anders Hejlsberg
D2001Walter Bright
Scala2003Martin Odersky
F#2005Don Syme
Fortress2006Guy Lewis Steele
Newspeak2006Gilad Bracha
Power Shell2006Jeffrey Snover,
Bruce Payette &
James Truher
Clojure2007Rich Hickey
GO2009Rob Pike
Ken Thompson
TypeScript2012Anders Hejlsberg &
Swift2014Chris Lattner

Did you know that there are many programming languages developed by Indians? 

Some of the famous ones are Kojo, the open-source language developed by Lalit Pant in 2010, Julia, a data science-based language co-created by Viral B. Shah, and Visual J# of 2002 developed by Microsoft India.

How can we forget to mention the recent Internet sensation 'Bhai-lang' a typescript-based toy programming language -- combining 'bhai' from the Hindi language with 'hi, bye' and other words in English -- created by two Indian developers: Aniket Singh and Rishabh Tripathi.

Thanks for reading!!!