Important Days in February 2020

February 2020

Today, we are going to share a list of national and international important days in February as it is an important part of the general awareness section in every competitive exam SSC, banking and Kerala Psc exams.
Day Significance
1st February Indian Coast Guard Day*
(ഇന്à´¤്യൻ à´¤ീà´°à´¸ംà´°à´•്à´·à´£ 
2nd February World Wetlands Day*
(à´²ോà´• തണ്à´£ീർത്തട à´¦ിà´¨ം)
World Hijab Day
(à´²ോà´• à´¹ിà´œാà´¬് à´¦ിà´¨ം)
Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day
(à´±ൂമറ്à´±ോà´¯്à´¡് ആർത്à´°ൈà´±്à´±ിà´¸് 
  à´¬ോധവൽക്à´•à´°à´£ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
4th February World Cancer Day*
(à´²ോà´• à´•ാൻസർ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
Facebook day
(à´«േà´¸്à´¬ുà´•്à´•് à´¦ിവസം)
National day of Sri Lanka*
(à´¶്à´°ീലങ്à´•à´¯ുà´Ÿെ à´¦േà´¶ീà´¯ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
5th February Kashmir day (Organised by Pakistan)
(à´•à´¶്à´®ീർ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
6th February International Day of Zero Tolerance for 
Female Genital Mutilation
10th February World Pulses Day
(à´²ോà´• പയർവർഗ്à´— à´¦ിà´¨ം)
National Deworming Day
(à´¦േà´¶ീà´¯ à´µിà´°à´¯ിളക്à´• à´¦ിà´¨ം)
11th February International Day of Women & Girls 
in Science
(à´¸്à´¤്à´°ീà´•à´³ുà´Ÿെà´¯ും à´ªെൺകുà´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´•à´³ുà´Ÿെà´¯ും 
à´…à´¨്à´¤ാà´°ാà´·്à´Ÿ്à´° à´¶ാà´¸്à´¤്à´° à´¦ിà´¨ം)
Safer Internet Day
(à´¸ുà´°à´•്à´·ിà´¤ ഇന്റർനെà´±്à´±് à´¦ിà´¨ം)
12th February National Productivity Day
(à´¦േà´¶ീà´¯ ഉൽപാദനക്ഷമത à´¦ിà´¨ം)
International Darwin Day
(à´…à´¨്à´¤ാà´°ാà´·്à´Ÿ്à´° à´¡ാർവിൻ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
13th February World Radio Day
(à´²ോà´• à´±േà´¡ിà´¯ോ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
Sarojini Naidu Birth Anniversary*
(സരോà´œിà´¨ി à´¨ാà´¯ിà´¡ു ജന്മവാർഷിà´•ം )
National Women's Day*
(à´¦േà´¶ീà´¯ വനിà´¤ാà´¦ിà´¨ം)
14th February Valentine's Day
(à´µാലന്à´±ൈൻസ് à´¡േ)
15th February Washington’s Birthday - USA
(Third Monday of February)
(à´µാà´·ിംà´—്à´Ÿà´£ിà´¨്à´±െ ജന്മദിà´¨ം)
Singles Awareness Day
(à´…à´µിà´µാà´¹ിതരുà´Ÿെ à´¬ോധവൽക്à´•à´°à´£ 
19th February Birthday of Chhatrapati Shivaji
(ഛത്രപതി à´¶ിവജിà´¯ുà´Ÿെ ജന്മദിà´¨ം)
20th February  World Day of Social Justice
(à´²ോà´• à´¨ീà´¤ി à´¦ിà´¨ം)
Arunachal Pradesh Foundation Day
(à´…à´°ുà´£ാചൽ à´ª്à´°à´¦േà´¶് à´¸്à´¥ാà´ªിà´¤ 
Mizoram State Day
(à´®ിà´¸ോà´±ം à´¸ംà´¸്à´¥ാà´¨ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
21st February  International Mother Language Day*
(à´…à´¨്à´¤ാà´°ാà´·്à´Ÿ്à´° à´®ാà´¤ൃà´­ാà´·ാ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
22nd February World Scout Day
(à´²ോà´• à´¸്à´•ൗà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ് à´¦ിà´¨ം)
World Thinking day
(à´²ോà´• à´šിà´¨്à´¤ാ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
23rd February World Peace and Understanding Day
(സമാà´§ാനത്à´¤ിà´¨ും à´§ാരണയ്à´•്à´•ും 
ഉള്à´³ à´²ോà´• à´¦ിà´¨ം)
24th February Central Excise Day(77th)
(à´•േà´¨്à´¦്à´° à´Žà´•്à´¸ൈà´¸് à´¦ിà´¨ം)
27th February World NGO Day
(à´²ോà´• സർക്à´•ാà´°ിതര à´¸ംഘടനാ 
Ansomia Awareness Day
(à´˜്à´°ാണശക്à´¤ി à´…à´­ാà´µ 
à´¬ോധവൽക്à´•à´°à´£ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
International Polar Bear Day
(à´…à´¨്à´¤ാà´°ാà´·്à´Ÿ്à´° à´§്à´°ുവക്à´•à´°à´Ÿി à´¦ിà´¨ം)
Marathi Language Day 
(മറാà´¤്à´¤ി à´­ാà´·ാ à´¦ിà´¨ം)
28th February National Science Day*
(à´¦േà´¶ീà´¯ à´¶ാà´¸്à´¤്à´° à´¦ിà´¨ം)
Rare Disease Day
(à´…à´ªൂർവ à´°ോà´— à´¦ിà´¨ം)
February 1st week - International Development Week
                                    (à´…à´¨്à´¤ാà´°ാà´·്à´Ÿ്à´° à´µികസന à´µാà´°ം),
                                   World Interfaith Harmony Week
                                    (à´²ോà´• മത à´¸ൗà´¹ൃà´¦ à´µാà´°ം)
February 3rd week - Brotherhood/Sisterhood week
February 4th week - Freedom to read week - Canada
February 2nd Sunday - World Marriage day


  1. Indian Coast Guard Day - Indian Coast guard was established on 1 February 1977 and the Parliament passed the Coast Guard Act on 18 August 1978
  2. World Wetlands Day -  First celebrated in 1997. The 2020 theme is ‘Wetlands and biodiversity’.
  3. World Cancer Day -  celebrated by WHO, the theme for 2020 is ‘I Am and I Will’. 
  4. National day of Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka got freedom from British rule on 4 February 1948.
  5. Darwin Day - to commemorate the birth anniversary of Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary biology in 1809. Book - Origin of Species - voted the most influential academic book in the history of 2015.
  6. National Women's Day - the birth anniversary of Sarojini Naidu (13 February 1879, Hyderabad)
  7. International Mother Language Day - first announced by UNESCO on 17 November 1999.
  8. National Science Day - celebrated to mark the discovery of the Raman Effect by the Indian physicist Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman. He discovered the Raman Effect on 28 February 1928.  Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930.